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Good copywriting tells a story. It listens to an audience’s frustrations, goals, and desires and creates content that entices the audience to respond in a certain way.

From a 3 word headline, to a downloadable ebook, to social media posts every word you share with your audience is important. You want to make sure you have the right copywriter for the job. 

As seems to be the universal small business experience, my services have evolved over time. I started as a do-anything copywriter offering most of the services listed here. As of present-day, I have narrowed my focus to website copy, blog content briefs, and SEO services.

In addition to the services I offer, I’m including the most common services offered by freelance copywriters so you know what to look out for!

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

So, what is a freelance copywriter? 

A freelance copywriter simply put, can provide any copywriting services on a contract basis. You do not have to hire them full time but rather you pay for the services/content provided.  

“Words matter. Every time you sit down to write an ad, web page, video script, or other content for your company, you have the opportunity to break through to people. Find those opportunities in your marketing and make sure that you’ve made the most of them.”

Meghan Keaney Anderson, Hubspot

While this is a solid outline of many freelance copywriting services, this is not the ultimate list of available copywriting services. If you’re looking around or plan on working with another copywriter, be sure to check out their website or talk to them directly about the services they provide as each copywriter varies.

This piece will cover: 

  • Blogs
  • Email sequences
  • Newsletters
  • Sales emails
  • Website copy
  • Landing pages
  • Sales pages
  • Product descriptions
  • Social media blurbs & ads
  • Video sales letters (VSL)
  • Line editing
  • SMS copywriting
  • Ebooks
  • Lead Magnets

Let’s get into it!

What freelance copywriting services does Copy by LP offer? 

1. Blogs

Blogs are some of my favorite content to write; and for your company they’re a gift that keeps on giving.

It seems like everyone has a blog these days, but if you’re new here a blog is basically an online journal that allows your brand to share thoughts, trends, product info, and other educational (and entertaining) content to engage your audience with. 

Blogs are important Because They:

  • Drive Website Traffic 
  • Allow You To Promote Your Products And Services
  • Provide Good Content That Builds Trust & Establishes Authority (Google Likes That)
  • Give You Sales Material To Convert A Lead

Blogs are not: 

❌ A place to randomly dump thoughts on your company’s behalf

❌ A place to copy other blogs in the industry

❌ A place to put out ‘content’ willy-nilly without any thought

Blogs are: 

A place to share educational content about your product/industry with your audience

A place to create a schedule with well-researched content that your audience is interested in receiving 

An extension of your brand. The style should fit your brand voice

It doesn’t have to be complicated but it does need to be well thought out. Keyword research can help you figure out what questions your audience has and wants to see more of. A copywriter can also help you do this! 

Good content builds trust, drives website traffic and continues to do so for months to years, increases conversions, and so much more. 

2. Website Copy

Website copy is some of my favorite copy to write – obviously since it’s one of the few writing services I offer.

Personally, I feel like website copy is overlooked and listen, I get it. I just redid my own website and writing your own copy is HARD, uninspiring, and suddenly you’ve lost the ability to explain what you do.

Pretty much every business needs a website; but not just any website. You need a website that your ideal customers will enjoy, find easy to use, and resonate with.

Have you ever gone to a website and…

  1. It had a ton of info and tabs but you still weren’t really sure what the company did? (I hate this, TELL ME WHAT YOU DO)
  2. There was nothing except an address, a picture, and maybe 3 sentences? (it’s giving white van, no windows).
  3. Were unable to find what you needed? 
  4. Signed up for a newsletter, blog, or piece of content but when you browse the website further it’s a severe letdown and looks nothing like their other online presence? It kind of makes their content feel spammy and inauthentic. 

Not only are all of these super annoying, but they’re examples of poor copywriting! And more importantly, classic examples in how to lose customers.

As a business owner you don’t have to be a person of all trades — you of all people know that you’ve gotten where you are with help from others and bringing on people to do what you don’t know how to do. 

The same goes for writing concise, informative copy. 

After Leaving Your Website, People Should At A Minimum Know: 

  • Who Are You
  • What You Do
  • What Products/Services You Offer
  • The Value Of Your Products/Services
  • How To Get Ahold Of You
  • Where Else To Find You (Social Media)

Your website should educate and inform, and with SEO optimization, rank for meaningful keywords in your industry that attract your ideal customer. 

Good website content drives the right people to your website while making it an enjoyable experience. 

3. SEO

As I update this in 2024, I’m adding SEO because, duh.

I offer SEO services on their own but if that’s something you need help with or don’t have another person at your company dedicated to SEO please make sure to ask the freelancer not only IF SEO is covered but to explain WHAT that means.

Seriously, make them list it out:

  • Keyword research
  • Finding relevant keywords with enough traffic and an attainable difficulty
  • Headings
  • Alt text
  • Meta descriptions (that contain keywords)
  • Title Tags (SEO titles) that contain keywords and are engaging

I recently had an experience where a client’s website team said they were covering the SEO for the new website. We didn’t ask what that meant and have spent quite a few months picking up the SEO pieces of what was left behind.

Not sure if you need SEO? You do, but here’s another blog I wrote about why it’s so important.

On to the rest of the services!

4. Email Marketing

I LOVE email copywriting. It’s not a core service of mine but if you need it we can work it in. Around 333 billion emails are sent and received, worldwide, every day (as of 2022). Gmail alone can receive some 86,000 emails a day. Do not sign me up for receiving 86K emails in a day but it goes to show the importance email has in our everyday lives. 

Email marketing is important to your company’s success and because we’re friends, if you’re not using email then you’re losing money.

In a Litmus survey, 94% of respondents said email is in the top 3 most important channels for their success. 

There are multiple different types of email marketing you can participate in that will fit your company’s needs! 


A. Email Sequences

Emails sequences are automatically scheduled emails that go out based on a user’s action. They are an important part of the sales cycle and can help build relationships with prospects, existing customers, and leads. 

Unless you just opened your first email account yesterday (and maybe not even then) you’ve most likely been on the receiving end of an email sequence. 

Email sequences can save you loads of time because you’ve already mapped out the customer’s journey. All that’s left is for them to begin their trek. 

Common email sequences are: 

  • Welcome Sequences (thanks for subscribing, here’s what to expect)
  • Purchasing Sequences (thanks for purchasing, here’s what you do now)
  • Sales Sequence (our company thinks we can help you, here’s how)
  • Onboarding Sequence (so you’ve become a customer, now what?)
  • Re-engagement (we haven’t heard from you in a while, still interested?)

B. Newsletters

Newsletters are generally a bit more informative and personal than other forms of email marketing. 

They come from a person or a brand with the intent to nurture relationships and build brand awareness. They read more like a brochure and should provide value to the recipient. 

When is a newsletter beneficial? 

Let’s say you have a solar panel company. After someone purchases and installs the panels, they don’t want to receive MORE sales emails. A newsletter sent 1-2X per month with tips on cleaning, how to use the solar calculator, how to file for tax credits, how the panels work in different seasons, what happens when the power goes out, and other tips/info that would provide tremendous value and increase brand loyalty. 

C. Sales Emails

A sales email is an email with the intention of promoting, or introducing, a product or service to an audience with the intention of making a sale. If you’ve ever signed up for a company’s email list, your inbox is likely full of them right now. 

Sales emails allow you to have some fun —  depending on your brand voice and audience of course. 

Sales emails are important because people have signed up to be on your list; they want to hear from you.

The power of email is not something to be ignored. Even doing one newsletter a month is a great way to build an audience of loyal customers and like-minded thinkers.

5. Landing Page/Sales Page

This is 100% not what I do — Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Once you get a visitor to your site, how are you going to convert them? 

A landing page! 

*Note that landing pages and sales pages tend to cost more than general website copy because they need to be written in a specific way and have higher conversion potential. 

A. Landing Page

The purpose of a landing page is to reach a specific audience with a message that encourages the lead/prospect to take action (sign up for a newsletter, download an ebook, make a purchase) which then gives you information on the conversion. 

Landing pages can be used at different points throughout the sales funnel and are a great way to convert leads!

Let’s do an exercise. Which do you think will convert more? 

Person A gets an email from you, is interested in your product, and is then directed to your home page.

Person B gets an email from you, is interested in your product, and is then taken to a targeted landing page containing benefits and FAQs of the product they’re interested in. 

Hubspot has a great article I’d recommend checking if you’re in doubt on why landing pages are so important.

B. Sales Page

A sales page has the intention of highlighting your products and services to convert leads. 

Sales pages can be short or long-form but they are more than just listing the features and benefits of a product/service.  

A good sales page must address the pain points, hesitations, and questions someone might have before converting, as well as what value this product/service brings to their life.

6. Product Descriptions

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

A product description is a snippet that describes the product’s benefits and/or features on your website. 

In my personal opinion product descriptions often get overlooked. This is a great place to have fun and bring out your brand’s voice — WHILE providing helpful information. 

There’s nothing more frustrating than reading a product description and still not being able to understand what the product/service is. 

You’ve most likely experienced one of these before.

“Once upon a time a marshmallow met a rose and they decided to embark upon a journey. A journey of truth, understanding, and ultimately, of love. Inspired by the basalt cliffs of the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland, we are so proud to bring you a creation like no other. Made with love and non-toxic ingredients. Stay loving, stay truthful.” 

As a consumer, I don’t want to have to scroll all over the page and go to multiple places on your website, other websites, reviews, and/or social media to find out the details I need to know about your product. 

Instead, let’s try: 

“Inspired by the rolling green hills of Ireland running into the basalt cliffs of the giant’s causeway, this eyeshadow brings you five long-lasting earth tones that blend and layer, perfect for a dramatic night out or an easy day on video calls. With sustainability at the forefront of everything we do, the palette is made from recycled toilet paper rolls and uses no magnets and no mica. We use organic, GMO free ingredients and include elements such as coconut oil, shea butter, and jojoba oil to nurture your skin all day long.”

*Please note this example purely from my imagination. Any relation to an existing product or service is unintentional.*

Even if it’s not your style it contains a ton more information that will help you make your purchase. 

A good product description tells people the details of the product and why they should buy it. 

7. Social Media Blurbs/Ads

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Just as your website functions as an expression of your brand, your social media profiles do as well. 

Social media is usually one of the first places someone will go to research your company/product/service. If they’re met with digital crickets … Weeeeellll, it’s not a good look. 

On the flip side, social media is a great place to keep the quality content going and increase trust and authority with your audience. Social media is a great place to highlight those blogs posts you’ve been working hard on! 

Bringing On A Copywriter For Ads And Social Media Can Help You: 

  • Clearly Communicate With Your Audience
  • Build/Maintain Your Brand Image
  • Create Content That Goes With The Tone Of Your Brand 
  • Provides A Ton Of Value In A Few Words

8. Video Sales Letters (VSLs)

Video is here! It’s no longer the future. And while sure, the small guys are ad-libbing and making things up as they go, you better believe there’s value in having a script written out ahead of time. I used to write scripts when I was in sales for *literally* every type of call. I had a whole sheet that I would pull up with intros, product descriptions, objections – everything.

Doing a video is the exact same thing you’re just on camera now.

Just as with creating an effective sales page, a copywriter can help you create a video sales pitch, promo video, subtitles, or even a script for a course. 

9. Line Editing

Okay, I lied, I also offer a copy audit to help people who already have the copy written but want an expert opinion! It’s a little different from line editing but the concept is similar.

Line editing services – not to be confused with editing services – will check the document for style, content, and language to make sure your point is being communicated the way it should be. 

Line editing is not looking for grammatical or technical errors, that’s editing. Line editing ensures the whole piece flows together and reads the way you want it to.

10. SMS Copywriting

Text copywriting is exactly what it sounds like — sending texts to subscribers with the intention of advertising or sales. 

Studies show around 75% of people (and that’s from a few years ago) want to receive texts with special offers. 

Text service providers are super high-tech these days. They can allow a company to segment their lists so the receiver is getting the information they actually want such as: 

  • Product updates (back in stock, brand new, recalls)
  • Event details (weather-triggered updates, reminders)
  • Special Offers only available via text
  • Ask for reviews 
  • Confirm/Edit Appointments
  • And more!  

Not only do people want to receive texts, they have high conversion and click-thru rates! SMS Global says “SMS Messages have a 45% response rate (email has just 8%)” and report around 36% click thru rates while email has around 3%. 

With stats like those, getting the right words is even more important. You only have a few sentences to effectively get your message across and you don’t want to mess it up. 

11. Ebook

An ebook is an informational piece of long-form content that a customer or prospect can download and access on any device. 

An ebook can: 

  • Be offered as a lead magnet
  • Help position yourself as a thought leader in the industry
  • Provide more information on your company or products
  • Start around 2,000 words and fluctuate up or down
  • Can (and usually is) accompanied by graphs, pictures, and other content to break it up and make it more engaging.

Before you decide to put out an ebook, talk to your sales team and research your audience. The topic should be something you’ve lightly touched on but haven’t covered in depth that your audience wants to know more about while being a natural part of the conversation in the sales process. 

For more information on ebooks, check out this Hubspot article. 

12. Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is exactly what it sounds like. An enticing offering for leads/prospects to provide their information in exchange for your offer. The goal of a lead magnet is to increase your subscribers or increase your database. 

I know, they can seem really spammy but I promise you if you’re doing it in good faith it’s not. It’s psychology to begin building a relationship.

That Offer Can Be A Lead/Prospect Providing Their Information In Exchange For: 

  • A discount only available via SMS
  • To obtain a free item, offer, or consultation
  • An ebook or white paper
  • A special discount

A lead magnet can be the first window someone sees when they enter your website, a landing page the prospect was sent to, or a pop-up before someone leaves your site, and much more! 

11 freelance copywriting services to stop doing today and outsource