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Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

If you’re anything like me you probably have an idea of what a sustainable copywriter is, you just also enjoy reading the instructions on things you know perfectly well how to use. 

Like tampons. If I come into contact with a tampon box you betcha I’m still gonna read the instructions even though I’m well acquainted with their function.

TL;DR: A sustainability copywriter is someone who writes content with a purpose for sustainable companies. No, we don’t charge more than other copywriters; no, you don’t have to hire one if you’re a sustainable business; yes, you can inquire with me even if you don’t have a sustainable business.

What Is A Sustainability Copywriter

Easy! A sustainability copywriter is a copywriter that specializes in writing for sustainable businesses generally for sustainable companies. And if you’re new here, a copywriter is someone who creates content that leads your audience to take action

That action could be to sign up for a newsletter, to read a blog, to make a purchase, to feel something, to learn something, and so on, you get the idea. 

The benefits of working with a sustainability copywriter, like myself, are that I know the industry because I work with other sustainable businesses AND I’m a consumer in the industry! But that one’s a bonus point. I follow the influencers, I read the news, I am constantly in the space personally and professionally, which is a must! 

There are other sustainability copywriters, copywriters who don’t specialize, and there are copywriters who prefer other niches. You can find them in all of the industries: finance, real estate, education, B2B, sales, etc. 

Do I Have To Work With A Sustainability Copywriter?

You don’t have to do anything you want to do. Maybe not everywhere in your life, but definitely not here. 

If you’re a sustainable business, no, you don’t have to work with a sustainability copywriter specifically. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the benefits though. 

A sustainability copywriter knows the industry. And that matters because? 

  • We’ve worked with other professionals in the industry. (we know the competition, we know the lingo, we know the trends).
  • It’s almost guaranteed we’ve done similar projects to the one you want completed.
  • Some of the research that needs to be done for your project most likely has come up in other projects so it’s easier to find (and understand) information. 
  • We’re passionate about it — at the heart of sustainability are people who care that are trying to make a difference. It’s likely a sustainability copywriter shares the same concerns and values (I certainly do!)

But anyway, no you don’t have to hire one. Like I said, it’s your world.

  • If you want to hire a full time copywriter to your staff, go for it! Someone who wants to work for you likely shares the same goals and values. Hooray! 
  • If you know of a freelance copywriter that’s been referred to you or you’ve worked with before and you think they would be a good fit, bring them on! Well, ask them if they’re up for it of course, and then bring them on! 
  • If you think another copywriter has a style/tone that better matches your brand, contact them! I personally think a major part of a successful relationship is whether the copywriter writes in the tone/style you like and whether you work well together. The rest can be figured out.
  • I’m a big believer in ‘anyone can do anything’. I know this is weird for me to say but you don’t really even need a copywriter. I was a copywriter for companies long before I considered myself one. And I had friends who were copywriting within companies full-time but with completely different titles! That being said, it certainly makes it easier to find what you’re looking for if you look for a copywriter. And you have the added bonus of resting assured they know what they’re doing. 

TL;DR: No — but make sure to ask whatever copywriter you want to work for it if they’re down for it. Some might say yes, some might not be interested in veering out of their preferred niche, and some might not have the availability to learn a new industry depending on the size of the project.

If I’m Not A Sustainable Business, Can I Still Work With A Sustainability Copywriter? 

Well of course you can! If you haven’t gathered it yet, Copy by LP is a safe space where I like to be creative, think outside the box (whatever that means) and never say never! 

I’m passionate about sustainability and I’m a consumer which makes me a double threat. But personally I’m open to working with companies outside of the sustainability industry. I’ve done it before and had a wonderful experience and I’d happily do it again. 

If you want to work with me, fill out the contact form or schedule an appointment and let me know why you think we’d be a good fit. It doesn’t have to be an essay or anything, just a couple of sentences to let me know why you’re contacting a sustainability copywriter. Seriously, it will keep me up at night (anxiety amirite).

I obviously can’t speak for other sustainability copywriters but if you find someone you like that’s not me, reach out and see if they’re up for it! I don’t know about their anxiety levels but I’d imagine they would appreciate a sentence or two acknowledging you saw they’re a sustainability copywriter and still chose to contact them. 

Do Sustainability Copywriters Charge More Than Regular Copywriters?

Copywriters price themselves according to the industry, their experience, their work, and their results. So everyone’s rate are different! But no, I’m not surcharging sustainability.

My rates are a reflection of the quality of work I provide and the time it takes me to do that work. 

What Do I Need To Know About Working With A Sustainable Copywriter? 

When first reaching out to a copywriter, it’s extremely helpful if you know: 

  • The budget you’re working with
  • The goals/KPIs of the project 
  • Branding/Tone/Voice of your organization/the piece

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when working with anyone is that we’re people too. We have other projects we’re working on, other client’s we’re working with, and families and friends. 

I don’t take on more projects than I can handle and I always give my undivided attention to the project I’m working on, however, because I have other things going on, I have a schedule to work with. Don’t add something to the project, not deliver material on time, or anything else and expect instant results or the same timeline. 

How Do I Hire A Sustainability Copywriter

This one is also easy! If you want to work with me, fill out my contact form on the website or schedule an appointment directly and let me know a bit about your organization and the project you need completed. We’ll discuss those items plus a few more things on a call and go from there! 

What does a sustainability copywriter actually do?