The Blog

The Blog

I know you have beautiful images but they do not take the place of good content! Words not only tell Google what’s going on on your website, they communicate, relate, instruct and build relationships with your customers and potential customers.

don't delete your website copy blog graphic title

Copywriting, Small Business, Website

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I’m sure you’re a great writer! But creating website copy involves more than just writing well.

stop writing your own website copy

Copywriting, Small Business, Website

Tired of chasing keywords? There’s a better way to get the right eyes on your sustainable brand. Uncover 10 proven strategies to attract high-quality traffic that’s ready to engage, convert, and champion your cause. It’s time to break free and watch your website blossom!

10 'non-SEO' ways to get high-quality traffic to your website blog title graphic

SEO, Small Business, Website

No websites were harmed in making this post. Feeling overwhelmed by your website homepage? I’ve got you! Your website homepage is your first impression. This blog covers 9 steps to help you grab visitors’ attention, guide them through your site, and keep them coming back for more (as loyal customers).

9 Ways to Craft a Personal and Engaging Website Homepage For Your Small Business - blog title graphic

Copywriting, SEO, Small Business, Website

Part 2 of my 10 minute SEO tips for small businesses series! Before we go further let me be honest – this post takes 10 minutes to read, not 10 minutes to complete. IDK what I was thinking but I promise to update it soon. For now, give it a read, see what you need to do, and tackle each step one by one. You got this!

6 SEO Small Business Tips You Absolutely Need To Know To DIY Your SEO - blog title graphic

SEO, Small Business, Website

You’ve heard it said a million times “content is king” but what does that even mean and is it feasible for your small business? In this post I’m unpacking why content is king, what content marketing actually is, and how your small business can tackle it and make it a valuable asset. It’s a long one!

what does content marketing do? and does your small business actually need it? blog title graphic

Copywriting, SEO, Small Business, Website

Writing about ourselves is kind of the worst. Put your best foot forward but don’t be braggadocious; show your expertise but don’t be a know-it-all. So then, the About Us page gets left for ‘later’, gets the bare bones treatment, or is forgotten about forever. If that sounds familiar, I wrote this for you.

does your website really need to have an about us page graphic

Copywriting, Website